Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can i get accepted to a good college like Georgia Tech or UCLA

Can i get accepted to a good college like Georgia Tech or UCLA?
I am a junior in high school and my gpa is 3.44 and my sat score is 2260/2400. Took about 7 AP's. i am also 1st in the nation for taekwondo in light weight division. Any suggestions????
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Just keep up good grades, when you apply, write a good essay, and just do extracurricular activity.
Answer 2 :
Yes you have a shot. However I do encourage you ot look a bit further than the two you mentioned. Cal-tech and MIT would also be possible. However IMHO your best choice is Harvey Mudd due to the incredible number of people they send to graduate school - that's where the action really is: http://www.hmc.edu/ An excellent backup would be Rose Hullman. They are just a smidgen below the schools you mention and a good deal easier to get into. In fact many people who cant get into MIT choose it (it also helps that they evidently get a list of them): http://www.rose-hulman.edu/ Regardless of which school you go to I see an excellent future for you. Thanks Bill
Answer 3 :
I go to Georgia Tech and I believe that there actually aren't any SAT or GPA requirements written in stone. Obviously you have to have good scores though to get in though... I can also tell you from what I've seen that the out of state expectations are very high compared to those for in state students. Most out of state students I know are brilliant. Your GPA seems quite a bit below average compared to most students coming in to Tech but you scored really well on your SAT. Taking AP classes is a plus, but how many do you pass? Tech looks at how well you scored on them (They'll only accept 5's for most AP exams with the exception of a couple of classes which only require a 4). The extracurriculars are a plus also. I would just keep it up and also have an idea regarding what you want to major in by the time you're ready to apply (i.e. Tech looks for engineers) and put some thought into writing your essays. The same applies to any good school that you're looking at.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

can you go to orientation at at Georgia Perimeter College location

can you go to orientation at at Georgia Perimeter College location?
I am going to the Dunwoody campus. but there only spots left for orientation is newton! So is it ok if i sign up for that?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
No, you need to register for classes at orientation, and chances are good they can't sign you up for classes at a different campus.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where can I get these college degrees in Georgia

Where can I get these college degrees in Georgia?
I want a major in literature, astronomy, biology, and oceanography. I want to get a minor in education, drama, and art.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
All at once...impossible. First of all...................what job can you envision that will require utilization of all of those. 1. Literature - you can learn to appreciate literature on your own, unless you plan on becoming a literary critic or an English teacher/professor. 2. Astronomy is usually a specialization within physics 3. Biology is a VERY broad subject 4. Oceanography is a specialization within Geography Universities have a mandate to educate people for the work force in the skills that are required (creativity, critical thinking). So finding a school that has the flexibility to allow one to do a major within 4 distinct disciplines will be inpossible M advice....................do a double major in physics and biology with your biology emphasis on marine biology (that will get you some ocean exposure).

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is an Alaskan Malamute a good pet for a 23 year old college student in Georgia

Is an Alaskan Malamute a good pet for a 23 year old college student in Georgia?
I'll be living in a huge 5 bedroom house next year and was thinking of fostering a 5 year old, house trained Alaskan Malamute from a kill shelter. I love dogs and exercise (running) quite a bit, but I really dont' have enough hands on experience with the breed to know if I might be doing a bad thing. Any experienced dog people have any advice?
Dogs - 9 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Well, he better have central air. But if he's attuned to the dog's needs, I don't see why not. He should educate himself on the dangers of heatstroke. My lab got heat stroke in the summer once, and I live in Washington state.
Answer 2 :
Unless you plan on running at night, I think a Malemute is not a good choice in the South. You can't run him during the day; he'd die of heatstroke. In the summertime, you won't be able to run with him at all. If you want a running partner, adopt a retired racing Greyhound. They like heat, they make great housedogs, and they will trot alongside you. If you're a marathoner, consider a Rhodesian Ridgeback; they are, as Animal Planet described them, "the Navy SEALS of dogdom."
Answer 3 :
Alaskan Malamutes are not made for the southern weather, you better have good air conditioning during the summer months because summers in the deep south are brutal. As for you, they are not good dogs for students because generally they require a lot of attention and if they don't get that attention they get mad. I currently own an Alaskan Malamute and it can be a pain when it does not get the attention, I have a family helping me take care of it and it hates other dogs. It gets along well with my White Shepherd Dog but most of the times we still separate them. They require a lot of grooming and are picky eaters as I have noticed, they also grow attached to you, if you ignore them, they will find ways to get your attention, just not ways you want them to get your attention. I don't recommend it because the weather down south will be punishing for that dog. If you have the air conditioning to help the dog out and feel that you can spend quite a bit of time with it or have your friends/family take care of it while you are gone, then get it. But generally, they do require more exercise and attention than the average dog. Edit: What 4 accounts Kaper? THIS is my only account and Vagger Lance is a friend of mines who I actually know in real life. He has his own account, both of us own dogs and I have too busy of a schedule to waste too much time on this site. As for your claims, I am not winning this, you have your clique on this section and so be it. I have my favorite breed as pets and I am not coming back here, you have issues, you need a better hobby and a busier life. So you won't be so stuck on stopping people from getting dogs they want, you didn't stop me.
Answer 4 :
Malamutes don't do extreme heat real well, so unless you jog early morning or later in the evening, you should leave the dog home. Malamutes require an obscene amount of exercise. Many people don't realize this, and forget that they are a heavy duty working dog with a very, very high energy level and working drive. They are destructive and can be aggressive when bored. If you can sufficiently exercise the dog and keep him reasonably cool then it should be okay. Remember they are a fairly dominant, stubborn breed. It's a necessary trait for the kind of work they were bred for, but not exactly a good trait if you're not familiar with the breed. You have to be a gentle but firm, confident leader or the dog will likely walk all over you. Huskies, malamutes, and most nordic/spitz breeds in general are like this, they take advantage of you if they can get away with it :P
Answer 5 :
You should get a Golden retriever. But then Barrett, Mital and Legend of Vagger Lance all post questions continously about wanting Samoyeds, Malamutes and other breeds "not recommended for a first time owner" and state they do not want a Golden Retriever. -------------- And, he blocks me, as he does every time I call him on it. (Td's from all 4 accounts)
Answer 6 :
Normally I would say no, but sine you're just fostering, which means he isn't yours, and he's from a kill shelter, I'd say go for it. Any discomfort the dog may feel is outweighed by the fact you are saving its life. Besides, there are things you can do to alleviate some of the discomfort. For one thing, get him groomed. Even though it's not a good idea, look into having his 1/4 - 1/2" shaved off of his coat. Keep him inside during the day (preferably on either the first floor or in the basement). Make certain the blinds are drawn, and the fan or air conditioner is on. Put lots of ice cubes in his water, or better yet, fill one bowl with nothing but ice cubes. Take him out early in the morning (around 5ish) before the temperature climbs and around 10 pm at night. At 5 years of age, he should be housebroken and well past the chewing stage, so you don't have to put him in a crate, but just to be on the safe side, I'd confine him to a "dog proof" room until you see what he does. Never trust him off leash, and try a Gentle Leader instead of a regular collar to minimize his pulling you off your feet. ETA: Don't forget to put out fliers and take him to pet stores to show him off. You might want to make an Adopt Me bandanna that he can wear every time you take him out. The average length of time for fostering a dog is around 8 weeks.
Answer 7 :
Why not try fostering give a chance to see if the Breed is okay for you? Fostering is kinda like looking after a pet that isn't neccessarily your but you could keep it if it works out for you. Temperament: Malamutes are lively, tolerant and friendly dogs but should be carefully watched around cats and small dogs. In fact they really shouldn̢۪t be raised in a family with small animals. Malamute puppies and adolescents require early obedience training because they turn into powerful and strong willed adult dogs who want to rule the household. This breed, while family friendly, should be supervised around small children. The Malamutes are not particularly good guard dogs or watch dogs as they are friendly to all strangers. The Malamutes love to please their owner and can be trained to be well mannered. The Alaskan requires a lot of attention, especially in the first two years otherwise it can turn destructive when bored. These dogs should have an experienced dog owner because of the need for firm handling and thorough obedience training. Exercise: This breed requires a lot of outdoor exercise and is not suited for apartment or even small yard living. The Malamutes don̢۪t like excessive heat or humidity and require the run of a large yard for living space. Grooming: Alaskans blow or lose their thick undercoat in the spring and summer and if possible should be professionally trimmed. Their coat should be brushed at least once and preferably twice per week. Regular bathing is unnecessary as the malamutes coat sheds dirt readily and the dog is clean and has little odour. Health Issues: The breed has a lifespan of 10 to 14 years and are generally very hardy dogs. The Alaskans can suffer from hip dysplasia and eye problems
Answer 8 :
I think it would be a very big mistake. Taking care of a dog is very difficult when you are in college both in time and money requirements. A dog of that breed can be a real challenge, and could cost a terrible amount of damage to a rental property. Have you even asked the owner of the property if you are allowed to have a dog? Many places do not allow them. You have your whole life to have dogs - your best bet is to wait until you are done with college and you are in a better position to care for one.
Answer 9 :
Hi, Not recommended for the first time dog owner as their intelligence combined with stubbornness can make them a challenge for someone not savvy in dog behavior. Here are more info: http://lnk.nu

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why are racist college students in Savannah Georgia saying they

Why are racist college students in Savannah Georgia saying they?
do not want to integrate with another white college? Sounds really racist, what if I had an all white school and said I didn't want blacks? Why the double standards.
Government - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Whites are forced into integration and guilt. Blacks are encouraged to distrust and hate.
Answer 2 :
Maybe it is not about race. Maybe it is about finances, curriculum or many other things. Don't really know with a source.
Answer 3 :
Their just proving what AG said the other day, that American's are racist.
Answer 4 :
I think they might feel that if their black college merges with the white college, the whites will dominate (maybe just by there being a lerger number of whites) and they won't have the opportunity to run their college the way they like. Blacks often choose to stick to their own too, and that doesn't bother me. But as for your statement about the double standards it makes me think of something John Kennedy's grandmother told him when he was growing up: "To whom more has been given will more be expected." That's just the way life is.

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